With all of these spectacular new models from the manufacturers, we have amazing opportunity to recreate railroading in scale. In fact, the only real downside to this is the fact that each of our railroads has only so much track, and for most of us, even less storage and staging. It requires some creative solutions - like a new storage area beneath Euclid Yard!
Brackets were added to allow for a new level. That process is well underway now, with the yard largely assembled as well down on the floor.
The tracks are glued to plywood, which was assembled and painted up. This maximizes clearances and won't adversely impact operations based on other projects with track glued directly to a wood surface. One key is to leave some room for seasonal expansion and contraction of the lumber by ensuring the joints are just hare loose.
Wiring for track feeders will be next before installation. And a final challenge will be a long lift-out bridge to connect the yard to S&I track 2 on the Island.
Good progress! And having a place to store these new trains will greatly add to the joy of running - some more variety will help with the illusion of the world outside, and we can all enjoy that.