Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Springfield Show Wrap-up: 2025

The big Amherst Society Railroad Hobby Show at Springfield, MA was January 25 and 26, 2025, and by all accounts was a great success again.  More than 27,000 attended the show and it was the usual intersection of model trains, operating layouts and displays, manufacturer booths, vendors, hobby media, craftsman, exhibits, and photographers.  Importantly, thanks to Rich Wisneski, Teddy & Pete were able to join with him this year for their first time!

Photo courtesy Dennis A. Livesey

It is hard to describe how wonderful it is to see the boys doing their thing, and learning to walk a tradeshow like this one.  They were fantastic!

The boys were amazed at the scope and scale of the event, held in 4 warehouse sized buildings.  The OC table had books and shirts for sale, as well as stickers and pins and a chance to talk to customers and guests.  Sales were good and much better than last year! 

Sharing the hobby has never been more fun, and that the boys will have these memories going forward means a great deal to me.  It is a major effort to make this show happen despite all the headwinds at work and the constant effort that life in my 49th year can take, but it is worth every ounce of effort for rewards like this.  

Lots of fun to come - just another part of this amazing hobby!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

More new arrivals: Big Dash-7s from Rapido Trains

Things are getting better and better for Conrail modelers!  A variety of great products arrived right during the holidays and it's been busy enough that there hasn't been time to even dig into them right away.  But, here's a first look:  

Right off the bat, it is clear that these have been worth the wait.  Wow!  A handful of small issues were easily corrected - steps had some loose on a few of the end wells, and a few grab irons were bent by packaging.  But for models that travel 9000 miles across an ocean in a shipping container I have no complaints.  The dimensions, mechanism, detail, decoder, lighting and sound are amazing.  

Rapido is working on a C36-7 and rumor has it the second run of C30-7s is going to include a coveted model for Conrail guys: the C30-7A.  So much good to come.  Stay tuned!