Here is a view of all mainline track at CP 280, east end of Onondaga Yard, looking east. Yard tracks to the left are not laid yet. I have placed them there there as space holders:

I built west from CP 280 and am now laying Track 2 around the final big curve towards the 9-Mile Creek bridge, and simultaneously I put in CP 277 and am working west towards the same location. But there won't be a 'golden spike' ceremony when east meets west - that will wait for the new control system, backdrop, and a small section of finished scenery to host the 'official' event.
Looking back west, with the mainline to the left and preliminary yard tracks to the right, and CP 280 in the foreground:

And, finally, a shot of 6789 again, this time positioned on the big, superelevated curve westbound coming into CP 280: