Now that the switch machines on the staging level are installed, tested, and fully wired/operational (with the exception of the final model board installation), benchwork for the second level roadbed can be constructed. Rick came over and we spent this past Saturday building the stringers for the remainder of the main line!This image illustrates the general approach we took. The design leaves approximately 9-1/2 inches of clearance between the bottom of the top level and the railhead of the staging area, which will be plenty to adjust train or locomotive consists. The main stringers here are 2X3 pine, therefore there is approximately 6" of clearance between stringers and railhead, plenty for even my tallest equipment.
After 6 hours with both of us working, we had completed the new stringer arrangement and could re-populate the staging yard. Here you can see the difference between the future Onondaga Yard area (to the right) and the open mainline running (on the far side of the studs to the left). The Yard will consist of plywood installed directly on the stringers. On the back side, the subroadbed plywood will be at the same elevation, but supported by small risers to allow the scenery to fall away a bit on each side of the mainline - much like it does in many open rural areas of Central New York.
Above is the CP 282 area with the top layer subroadbed installed. The staging at CP 274 is below. We used scraps of 2X4 and 2X3 from the wall construction as supports for this area of the staging yard since the lower-level stringers were not accessible. This is a good example of how you need to be flexible and creative with your benchwork sometimes - it is not as cut and dry as you imagine all the time! The most important thing is to constantly check the level and elevation. When building atop a layer that was carefully constructed to begin with, this gets easier and easier as you go along.